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Mastering an Abundance Mindset - Part 1

The balance between connecting to our Divine Spark and accepting this into our Human Self is why Mastering an Abundance Mindset is challenging so many people at this moment in time.

The Human Ego has taken the driving seat for many eras protecting and making decisions on behalf of our human self and with the slow awakening of the Aquarian era our ability to connect to our Higher Divine Light has strengthened. This has meant we now have the added bonus of connecting into our Divine Light of Abundance which is fantastic! Many people have started on a personal journey to find their meaning in life and are seeking answers. Gradually strengthening this connection and getting clear guidance brings enlightenment which starts to illuminate our pathways in life .

One of the most common questions asked is 'why is Mastering Abundance so difficult'? The main reason is that our ego has learnt so many different ways to act on behalf of our Human self and when we connect with our Higher Guidance, this can often make the ego feel no longer necessary and it therefore finds every way possible to be be heard. Don't get me wrong, the ego is necessary to fight our corner when we are seriously in danger but it doesn't need to second guess every thought or action we take.

It is important to ensure that the Human Self; and what i mean by this is the Physical, Emotional and Mental self learns to accept the higher guidance and relax through the process allowing the ego time to adjust and relax too.

So therefore we have to master separate tasks.

Task 1 - to develop your love of self.

Task 2 - to develop your own connection to your Higher Light and learn to work with your Spiritual Gifts and to build your relationship with your guides; until this becomes second nature

Task 3 - to support your ego to let go of its patterned behaviours and to recognise your triggers which either bring about the physical, emotional or mental reaction.

Task 4 - to accept that your Divine Light of Abundance is there for your to use or lose

Task 5 - to be grateful

Each and everyone of us are at a different stage on this pathway and I am going to be bringing to you videos and free books of thoughts from the experts in Personal Development to help this journey, whilst I continue to bring through the channelled thoughts from the Universal Beings.

The First Video is from the World Leader Tony Robbins. Love him or hate him he has helped millions of people.

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