ITe Awheawhe a te Roopu Ara Rerehua
Ko te huarahi ki te uru atu ki o koha Wairua me te hono pono ki o wairua
Kia marama te rere o te ora
Ko tenei huarahi mo te hunga e hiahia ana ki te kite i o raatau taonga wairua me te hiahia ki te mohio me pehea te mahi haumaru ki a raatau.T
Ko te Tikanga Wairua o te Rerehua:
Te Huringa Whaiaro o to ahuatanga me to oranga
Te neke mai i tetahi wahanga o to oranga ki tera - whanau hou
Te tuku me te ngawari me te takaro
Te piki ki runga ake i nga mea e heke iho ai koe
Te hono ki roto i a koe, to wairua
Aroha ko wai koe
Pāwhirikoneimo nga reiti

This is an interactive Group Workshop.
Aim: This course is for people who wish to connect to the Universal Beings.
With the guidance of the angels, Kathy will take you on journeys to help achieve spiritual awakening, growth, enlightenment, and ascension. You will be working with others to understand and develop your spiritual gifts, to move into your dharmic pathway to work for your higher good and the higher good of our planet, then the universe, and for all humanity.
These workshops are given on the day to Kathy by the angels and will reflect that which is needed at that time, both from a personal perspective and from a higher perspective.
Having a consistent group membership is important, so Kathy may suggest joining the existing membership or creating a new group. Payment can be made by session or in blocks of 4.