Bringing Inspiration and Spiritual Teachings for Your Soul's Journey
Spiritual Channellings with

The Hummingbird Pathway
The Pathway to Self Love
This pathway is for people who feel any aspect of their life is out of balance and they wish to address this.
The Spiritual Meaning of the Hummingbird is:
Letting the light of your soul shine
Enjoying life
Living in the now
Being independent
Being playful and joyous
Letting go of negativity
Always moving forward
Responding quickly
The Hummingbird Pathway is about helping you truly LOVE YOU.
Click here for rates
Every single person will have had some form of drama or trauma in their lives which has influenced how they now view themselves and others. If you want to make a postive difference to your life, it must start from within - from self love. Understanding you and owning your life requires you to fully embrace your true self - the Divine I AM within - and to truly love you. These 12 sessions are designed to give you awareness and tools to help you to do just this.
The sessions will help you to understand you from various diferent perspectives and help you to understand the Spiritual Laws and their impact on YOU. Encouraging positive changes to how you feel about you.
Kathy is able to 'tune in' to you and share a very unique way of looking at your personal energy and how you are shaping your life and ultimate happiness.
The sessions are channelled and as such fall under the Laws governing demonstrations of Mediumship, Private Readings and other Spiritual Services - see legal disclaimer below.
Session 1 - Understanding the Spiritual Laws
This session will set the scene as it will bring awareness to the basic behaviours that make dramtic changes to the lives of people. Either negative or positive dependant on the choices that are made. It is often the first stage to personal enlightenment.
Session 2 - Understanding Negative Self Love
This session will help you gain an understanding of negative self love behaviour (3rd Dimensional Behaviours and Energy)
Session 3 - Understanding Positive Self Love (The Divine I AM)
This session will help you understand how to change your perspective on how you love you - self love (4th Dimensional Behaviours and Energy)
Sesson 4 - Self Awareness - The Base Chakra
This session will help you understand how your base chakra (energy) is impacting on your life and explores what may be causing the chakra to behave this way. Enabling you to get a better self awareness and to start to develop tools and techniques to help you strengthen the foundations of your life.
Session 5 - Self Awareness - The Sacral Chakra
This session will help you understand how your sacral chakra (energy) is impacting on your self worth. This is usually quite an emotional session more often than not you may have to face the truth within.
Section 6 - Self Awareness - The Naval Chakra
This session will help you understand your naval chakra and how it impacts on your socialability.
When these three chakras are healthy and flowing happily then the rest of the chakras can become in balance much more easily. Kathy has been guided to focus on these so you can begin to bring those aspects of your life that are out of balance back into balance.
Session 7 - Ownership of your actions - The Solar Plexus Chakra
This session will focus on how tricky old patterned behaviours can be and how to break away from them. The effect of the 3D magnet!
Sesson 8 - Forgiveness and Boundaries - The Heart Chakra
There comes a time when going through the motions has to stop and forgiveness must occur. The heart chakra is glorious and has the most amazing self healing qualities.
Session 9 - Truthfulness and Integrity - The Throat Chakra
Working with this chakra will help you see how honest, thruthful and integral you are with yourself. It will help you to see the dramas around you and how you play a part in them.
Session 10 - Illusion - The Third Eye Chakra
This chakra enables you to see through illusion or will highlight any 3D games you play on yourself. This session will bring you a clearer vision and free you to self heal.
Session 11 - Self Expansion - The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is the centre for creativity, prosperity and expansion. Working with the wonderful 1000 petals of expansion this session will allow you to see how to eep yur life in balance.
Session 12 - Self Ownership
This session will help you to focus on the 6 months ahead and how YOU wish to own your life. It is essential to understand how you wish to manage the tricky 3D magnet and to progress onto your Divine Path.
I©2013 Kathy Crosswell Rights reserved. Legal Disclaimer: Due to the laws governing demonstrations of Mediumship, Private Readings and other Spiritual Services, these are classified to be for entertainment purposes only and are not intended to, or will take the place of any Legal, Financial, Medical or any other Professional advice. By engaging in a Reading or other Spiritual Services you are agreeing to these terms and confirming that you are over the age of 18 years. This website contains information from higher beings with the intention for the greater good. It contains possibilities and guidance only and, in reading it, you accept that you have free will and do not have to follow any possibilities or guidance given. The use of the terminology healing or to heal means that I am a channel for the energy that the universal beings wish to share with you in that moment. I cannot and would not ever say I can heal another person but I am delighted to share the light energy with you..