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Upcoming Meditation

October 20th, 2021 - ‘Awaken your Spirit and Break Free from Self-limitation’ – Take a Guided Meditation Journey with Kathy Crosswell, International Author and Spiritual Life Coach.


Kathy is an International Spiritual Author with a natural gift to channel messages from the higher realms of light. She is an energy reader and healer who brings people on individual journeys to become the best version of themselves and to open them to walk their pathways of light. Kathy brings channelled guided support to enlighten, empower and illuminate people through meditations, talks, workshops, longer courses and her sought-after one-on-one sessions.


Kathy will take this one hour guided journey Wednesday 20th October 2021, at 7pm BST. Time in the New York 15:00pm. Time in Sydney 06:00am.

Relating to the dissatisfaction and disfunction that has risen within humanity on a planetary level over the last couple of years is easily observed and it is easy to see how this can be a powerful catalyst for change. This change can either be negative or positive dependant on humanities intention.   

Kathy has been guided to align this journey with planetary aspects which are bringing things to a head this month. Taking this journey will boost spiritual awakening and release self-limiting dissatisfaction and disfunction.

What better time to make a personal change than now when these things will be hard to ignore any more? It is the perfect time to own thoughts, actions, and personal spiritual awakening. Making personal positive changes which will create a ripple felt by everyone and this will ripple on and spread around the world. It is a time for positive change, for spiritual awakening and action.

The New Dawn is here.

If you would like to take this guided journey, please book here, thank you.

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Due to the laws governing the demonstrations of mediumship, private readings and other spiritual services, these are classified as being for entertainment purposes only and are not intended to, or will take the place of any legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By engaging in a reading, or other spiritual services you are agreeing to these terms and confirming that you are over the age of 18 years. This website contains information from higher beings with the intention for the greater good. It contains possibilities and guidance only and in reading it you accept that you have free will and do not have to follow any possibilities or guidance

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